Monday, September 29, 2014

Top 7 Podcasts

Inspired by my last blogpost, I would like to share some of the top Podcasts that have my attention right now.  There are so many podcasts out there, professional and amateur, that it is hard to sift through them.  I would like to share some with you that will be worth a listen, in my estimation.  Though I have tried many more, these 7 are the ones to which I continually return.

MORE IMPORTANTLY: I am looking for more good Podcasts to follow.  My hope is that as you read this list, you will say--"Ryan just has to listen to ______.  He will love it."  Please share the podcasts that you are into.  I would love to check them out!

I listen to Podcasts when I exercise and just around the house.  The following 7 are all engaging.  Some are just for entertainment.  I have chosen all of them to learn more about the world, and to expand my own horizons.

7.  60-Second Space; 6. 60-Second Science; 5. 60-Second Mind 
I lump these together to keep this blogpost brief.  Scientific American sponsors and creates these podcasts.  They are all about 1 minute long and they give condensed information about recent discoveries in scientific research.  Though it sounds esoteric, the topics are chosen to be interesting, engaging and practical.  There is a whole series of these 60-Second podcasts.  My three favorite are above, and each deals with science and technologies relating to the topic in the title.  There is also an earth science podcast and a technology podcast, and there may be others.  Want to learn something?  Do you lead a really busy life?  Take 60 seconds out of your day and lend an ear.  We live in amazing times.  Average Duration of Each Episode: 60 seconds

4. This American Life
National Public Radio produces this podcast.  Each week, the writers, reporters and staff of This American Life choose a theme and then bring stories that explore that theme to listeners.  I would label this a "human interest" podcast.  Ranging from art, literature, history, biography, fiction, comedy, journalism and so much more...contributors share all sorts of perspectives on life---particularly life in America.  The podcast is entertaining and educational.  Every episode has something you will relate to, or at least something you will feel passionately about.  Average Duration of Episode: 1 hour

3. The Partially Examined Life
I was a philosophy major.  I love philosophy still.  After trying out several philosophy podcasts, this is the one that I listen to all the time.  Each episode is a discussion of a particular philosopher's or thinker's works (usually a selection, not the whole body of work).  The participants of the discussion are all amateur philosophers (with day-jobs), but they are all very well educated and bright.  Normally, there are three or four guys who discuss the ideas, although sometimes they have guests on--every now and again the actual thinker they are discussing (unless they are discussing the work of a dead person, of course).  Although I sometimes disagree with comments made by the panelists, I learn tons.  In fact, I enjoy the podcast more for how I am challenged by some of the comments, reactions and ideas of the panelists.  This is a very engaging podcast.  It is like sitting down in a comfortable chair and discussing important ideas with a group of friends.  Average Duration of an Episode: 1 to 2 hours  (it is worth every minute of it).

2. On Being
Also from National Public Radio, On Being is hosted by Krista Tippet out of Minneapolis, Minnesota.  This podcast is about faith and life.  Each episode Krista has a conversation (much fuller than a mere interview!) with an important figure in the world.  It could be an author, a poet, a scientist, a religious leader--any interesting person!  Krista explores the work and spirituality of each guest, and together they try to plumb the depths of the question "What does it mean to be human?"  These podcasts are touching and soul-enriching.  Each episode will give you a new perspective on life...and a new perspective on yourself.  Don't miss this one!!!  Average Duration of an Episode: 1 hour  [podcasters also have the option of listening to the "uncut" conversations...these are longer, but they are worth it!]

1. Car Talk
Also from National Public Radio, this show is hosted by Click and Clack, two Italian-American car mechanics who went to MIT.  These guys are smart, but they are even funnier.  If you want a fun podcast, you need to try this one.  Even if you don't like cars or care about cars, you will enjoy this show.  Click and Clack take calls from people who have car troubles and they diagnose the car's problem on the air.  Along the way, they end up digging into people's lives and discussing all sorts of issues like relationships and spirituality and philosophy.  I have been listening to CarTalk since 2006, and it never gets old!  Just hearing the hosts' distinctive voices--and laughs--immediately brightens my day, and gives me hope for this world.  This is so much more than a car show.  But I have also learned a lot about automobiles--and physics/mechanics.  Average Duration of an Episode: 1 hour...totally not long enough.

So, there it is.  My top seven podcasts.
What else should I be listening to?
Let me know.

Meanwhile, happy listening!

1 comment:

  1. I was waiting to respond to this entry as I am not a pod cast listener. I had my 24 year old son show me how he gets a pod cast on his “listening device.” I listen to the radio (especially NPR) so I am familiar with the shows you listed. I also have a Sony Walkman that I use frequently to listen to music while working outside or walking my Beagle.
    Today I was listening to This American Life. Ira Glass was telling the listeners that the rest of the story that was being broadcast is a pod cast. He went on to give some reassurance about pod casts for those of us who have never used them. He said he had sat down with an eighty year old woman who is a friend of his from the dog park and showed her how to do it. She in turn made a video of herself setting up a pod cast as a tool for others to learn. I have yet to look at this video, but the whole thing made me laugh out loud! “Don’t be afraid of pod casts,” Ira said. I may try it sometime!
