Friday, December 13, 2013

What to Buy this Christmas

Ask any child if they are ready for Christmas, and you will hear, "Yeah!  I can't wait for presents."

Ask any adult if they are ready for Christmas, and you will hear, "Well, I still have a few more gifts to buy."

Since the day after Thanksgiving, the day called 'Black Friday' (which is aptly named as most people leave home in the dark, and are inside stores so much that they seldom see the light of that day)--since Black Friday people have scoured shops and stores to find the choicest deals on both needed items and Christmas gifts.  On this post-modern hunt, people prowl to find big prey that can be taken down easily.  The month between Black Friday and Christmas is a swarm, an economic frenzy.  People spend saved-up money (or temporarily utilize someone else's money) to purchase all kinds of trinkets and gizmos.  The frenzy and excitement are palpable in any store one visits during this time.  

The most fascinating thing of all is that during this time of the year, few seem to be window-shoppers.  Everyone is out on a mission, if not for a specific gift, then for the luck of finding the perfect one.  People who, during the rest of the year are frugal and simply window-shop, are now buying with abandon.  Even these folks, who spent the year merely creating wish lists and doggedly sticking to the fiscal responsibilities of budgets and savings, are now spending...because the time is ripe.

Many Christians would denounce the frenzy, and the frivolousness of this time of year.  Money, after all, is the root of all evil.  And so, you will hear preachers and parishioners sermonize about the real meaning of Christmas (the "reason for the season").  [For some reason, these same folks make 'Happy Holidays' the most important front on their 'war to save Christmas.'  Clearly they have forgotten what "holiday" means: "holy day."  Of all the battlegrounds on which to die....  In any event, allow me to continue:]  The flurry of money and credit and gifts becomes a target this time of year.  The economic boost our retailers--and nation--receive at this time of year is considered greed at its height.  Oddly enough, these same detractors are out swarming and participating in the same commercial predation as everyone else.  As if to justify themselves, they argue: we are buying gifts, but we know that it is not the priority.  In other words, they are participating in the activity while trying to suppress the frenzy.  Or, as I would prefer to say it, they are taking the spirit out of the action.

I would much rather preserve the fervor and frenzy, and let it bleed over into our spiritual life.  There is nothing wrong with buying gifts.  Gifts can be signs of love.  In fact, for many people, their language of love is gifts.  And there is nothing wrong with spending money (as long as you have it or will have it).  Nor is it wrong to get excited about these mundane economic things.  Indeed, the economic exchange and flow during this season of the year can be a great training ground for our spiritual lives.

I am reminded of a poem by Rumi, an Islamic mystic and poet:

+ + +

These spiritual windowshoppers,
who idly ask, How much is that?  Oh, I'm just looking.
They handle a hundred items and put them down,
shadows with no capital.

What is spent is love and two eyes wet with weeping.
But these walk into a shop,
and their whole lives pass suddenly in that moment,
in that shop.

Where di you go?  "Nowhere."
What did you have to eat?  "Nothing much."

Even if you don't know what you want,
buy something, to be part of the exchanging flow.

Start a huge foolish project, 
like Noah.

It makes absolutely no difference 
what people think of you.

+ + +

Our faith lives should look like the purchasing frenzy of the month after Black Friday.

When it comes to faith, we should spend frivolously.  Who knew the reason for the season was all of the buying and selling?!?  After all, the whole point of Jesus' ministry was to buy us!  And he was not frugal.  Nor should we be frugal with our spirituality and mission. 
So, go ahead and spend.
God's people are easy to "buy" for.
God takes on all our "debts."

Thanks be to God.

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